Preparing businesses, organizations, and leaders for abundant change
Take the AI conversation much deeper—with C-level meetings and workshops with Zack Kass, whose advisory clients include the White House, top universities, and over 350 boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies.
Zack offers the experienced, unbiased guidance you need to make AI your strategic advantage and convert its massive potential into enduring business value.
With his unique insights and strategic development process, Zack can help organizations think through the entire value chain of AI: Setting long-term strategy. Redesigning workflows. Finalizing big decisions. Resolving thorny problems. Gaining new efficiencies. Driving adoption. Engaging the workforce.
Zack’s singular process can help you identify and release the transformative potential of AI that is already within your organization’s grasp, if only you gain the clarity and confidence to put it to work.
- AI pioneer for 14+ years - including OpenAI
- Business strategist, advisor, professor
- Keynote speaker and media commentator
- Champion of AI’s power for good
An 8-Step Process